invalid link
There is an invalid link at UTS Online in week 3:IML News: Web Standards Group - Sydney.
Send a message to the nearest Earth-like planet, 5 day left.
At the end of Science Week, NASA will transmit the messages to Gliese 581d using the Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex in Tidbinbilla.
Here is the message I wrote:
Hi,bro. Earth is too dangerous to live. When could I be back to my hometown(Gliese 581d) ?
Adopt a star from a non-profit and support scientific research
Adopt a star from a non-profit and support scientific research
A non-profit alternative: Many private companies offer to "sell" you a star name for $19.95, but here you can adopt a star that might host a planetary system for just $10! The Pale Blue Dot project is hosted by a non-profit organization (White Dwarf Research Corporation) and 100% of the proceeds are used to support scientific research on the stars that you actually adopt.
A search for habitable planets: In March 2009, NASA launched the Kepler satellite -- a mission designed to discover Earth-like planets around distant Sun-like stars. The satellite will monitor the brightness of more than 100,000 stars in the constellation Cygnus with a high quality digital camera for up to 6 years. Scientists will be looking for tiny dips in the amount of light received by the telescope -- the possible signature of a planet passing in front of the star. The Pale Blue Dot project supports the analysis that will allow astronomers to determine the physical size of the planet, through the research efforts of the Kepler Asteroseismic Science Consortium (KASC), a large international collaboration of scientists.
Learning Proposal draft
Learning Proposal
Student Number: 10674644
Student Name: Mengmeng Li
SWOT Analysis
I have a basic conception of database and networking helping me to understand website better.
I don’t have a IT background, knowing nothing about web development.
I could able to communicate with a team about website development with different levels of technical knowledge.
How to built a website step by step, adding html, javascript, CSS, PHP and XHTML/HTML 5 to the website.
Personal Learning Needs
I’m hoping to build my own website, having the basic understanding about these kinds of program languages. Once before I had a Blog in China, however, the website shut down and I lost all my articles and pictures. I am planning to produce it by myself at the end of the semester.
Learning plan
• Objectives - what do I want to learn?
I would like to have a basic understanding of modern technologies, build a cool website and know how to go to next step.
• Strategies - how will I do it?
Following subject timetable and practice the learning skills.
• Resources - what exactly will I use?
I have no idea at this moment.
• Schedule - what do I plan to do when?
The learning and building schedule which I am going to follow:
Class | Schedule |
Week 3 | Building website framework |
Week 4 | Building website framework |
Week 5 | Adding XHTML and CSS |
Week 6 | Adding CSS |
Week 7 | Adding PHP |
Week 8 | Adding Javascript |
Week 9 | Adding MySQL |
Week 11 | Adding Advanced Javascript |
Week 12 | Testing website |
proposed project
• what will you build?
I am going to produce a personal website, hosted on a server. with interesting articles, my blog, resume and pictures.
• who is it for?
It is for my friends and people who concern me.
• what technologies will it use?
It is based on HTML, and I will add javascript, CSS, XHTML, PHP, MYSQL later on.
• how does it satisfy your learning objectives?
Practice learning skills by product this website.